We would like to encourage you to become a part of our Show by becoming a Show Sponsor at one of the levels outlined below:
Sponsorship Level Amount
GOLD $25.00-$75.00
PLATINUM $150.00
DIAMOND $300.00 or more
Gold Level Sponsors benefits:
Your name/company name will be displayed and announced during the Show.
You will receive a Certificate of Recognition.
Platinum Level Sponsors benefits:
A ribbon in your name will be awarded to a carver of your choice at the Show.
Your name/company name will be displayed and announced during the Show.
You will receive a Certificate of Recognition.
You will receive media exposure, and inclusion on our website.
Diamond Level Sponsors benefits:
A ribbon in your name will be awarded to a carver of your choice at the Show.
You will receive a “2024 Show Commemorative” woodcarving.
Your name/company name will be displayed and announced during the Show.
You will receive a Certificate of Recognition.
You will receive media exposure, and inclusion on our website.
To participate in a big way -
Contact Doug Bibles at
phone: 573-286-1049,
email: dbibles@charter.net
or John Heather at
phone: 913-558-2023
email: jahgonefishin@gmail.com