28. Pyrography-Human: Wood burning on a flat surface. Any finish.
29. Pyrography-Animal/Wildlife: Wood burning on a flat surface. Any finish.
30. Pyrography-Architectural/Scenic: Wood burning on a flat surface. Any finish.
31. Pyrography-Other (Excluding Categories #28, #29, #30): Wood burning is the primary art work. Any finish.
32. Chip Carving: Any subject. Any size, any finish.
33. Caricature-Single Human: Carving must be in the round and exaggerate or distort physical features, movement and/or expressions for a humorous effect. Any size, any finish.
34. Caricatures - Human in a Scene: Carving must be in the round and exaggerate or distort physical features, movement and/or expressions for a humorous effect. To qualify as a scene, a portion of the scene, not including the base, must be detached from the human figures(s). Any size, any finish.
35. Caricature Animal, Bird or Fish: Carving must exaggerate or distort physical feature, movement and/or expressions for a humorous effect. Can be in the round or relief. Any size, any finish.
36. Caricature Bust: Single figure caricature bust carved in the round or carved in relief. The carving must exaggerate or distort physical features, movement and/or expressions for a humorous effect. Any size, any finish.
37. Religious: Any religious carving. Any size, any finish.
38. Whittling-Novelties-Toys: Must be carved or whittled with only a knife. No sanding permitted. Any size, any finish.
39. Spoons: Any size, any finish.
40. Miniature: A carving that will fit inside a
2”x 2” cube. Any subject, any finish.
41. Intarsia: Any subject. Any size, any finish.
42. Cottonwood Bark-Human: Realistic or caricature. Any size, any finish.
43. Cottonwood Bark Carving-Animal: Realistic or caricature. Any size, any finish.
44. Cottonwood Bark Carving-Other: Anything not human or animal such as houses, lighthouses, etc. Any size, any finish.
45. Other Wood: Includes driftwood, cypress knees, fence posts, logs, etc. Any size, any finish.
46. Jewelry: Must be made of wood (minimal non-wood embellishments). Any style, any finish.
47. Mixed Media: Carving predominately of wood, with non-wood embellishments (glass, metal, etc.). Any style, any finish.
48. Miscellaneous: Any woodcarving that will not fit into categories #5-#47.